The busy summer I was telling you about has finally started, which means pleasure and work are getting married for the next couple of months... ;)
I haven't forgotten about the Madrid photos I still haven't shown you (to see Part 1, click here), so here we go with another cool boutique.
Pez (which means Fish ;p)
C/ Regueros, 15
I really can't say that the staff was friendly and obliging, for they pretty much looked at me weird and forbid me to take pictures when I told them I was a blogger, but I must admit that their selection of brands (which ranges from American Vintage and Ash to Repetto) is so mouth-watering that I grudgingly have to include them in here.
All the pics I have from the store were taken from outside, but I hope you can still get a glimpse of the kind of clothing and accessories they have.
A mere few meters away from Pez was Yube, another great spot.
C/ Fernando VI, 23
16/07/2011 Edit: For those of you who don't live in Spain, they've asked me to make sure and tell you that they also sell online on their website: ;)
16/07/2011 Edit: For those of you who don't live in Spain, they've asked me to make sure and tell you that they also sell online on their website: ;)
Their style is slightly more eclectic and trendy, with brands like Paul&Joe and Swedish Hasbeens.
Which leads me to the last boutique I'll unveil for you guys today, Tribecca.
C/ Argensola, 5
As you can see, Tribecca has an extense selection of brands that goes from M de Missoni to Seven for All Mankind, but I was also very pleased to find Paule Ka and Bel Air.
Bel Air cardigan
Paule Ka dress
I mean look at this Missoni shoe... Doesn't it make you feel like you've died and gone to the accessories heaven?
Overall, very colourful and chic things... *-*
Have a great weekend and stay posted, for next week is Barcelona's Fashion Week, and I'll be having a lot to share... ;)
The Brandery (13-15th July), Fitting Room (14th)... but also 080 Barcelona (12-15th)!
See you there! :)
[All content & photos are by me unless specified otherwise. I'm happy if you decide to copy and keep them in your computer as reference, or post them in your blog or anywhere you want. But you MUST put my name or a link to the blog somewhere, saying where you took them from. Not putting anything is in my opinion almost as bad as saying you took them yourself.]
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